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  • eclipse-keys . . . . 126 matches
         "Edit","Restore Last Selection","Shift+Alt+Down","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "Search","Show Occurrences in File Quick Menu","Shift+Ctrl+U","JavaScript View"
         "Refactor - JavaScript","Extract Local Variable","Shift+Alt+L","JavaScript View"
         "Source","Toggle Comment","Ctrl+7","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "JavaScript Debug","Open Source","Shift+Ctrl+3","Debugging"
         "Source","Toggle Comment","Esc Ctrl+C","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "Source","Add JSDoc Comment","Shift+Alt+J","JavaScript View"
         "Source","Quick Assist - Assign to var","Ctrl+2 F","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "Refactor - JavaScript","Show Refactor Quick Menu","Shift+Alt+T","JavaScript View"
         "Refactor - JavaScript","Move - Refactoring ","Shift+Alt+V","JavaScript View"
         "Views","JavaScript Declaration","Shift+Alt+Q D","JavaScript View"
         "Source","Toggle Mark Occurrences","Shift+Alt+O","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "Navigate","Quick Hierarchy","Ctrl+T","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "Navigate","Open Structure","Ctrl+F3","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "Navigate","Open Type Hierarchy","F4","JavaScript View"
         "Edit","Select Next Element","Shift+Alt+Right","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "Source","Organize Imports","Shift+Ctrl+O","JavaScript View"
         "Source","Add Import","Shift+Ctrl+M","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "Navigate","Go to Previous Member","Shift+Ctrl+Up","Editing JavaScript Source"
         "Navigate","Open Declaration","F3","JavaScript View"
  • OurSoftwareDependencyProblem . . . . 3 matches
         Even with these examples and other off-the-shelf options, run-time isolation of suspect code is still too difficult and rarely done. True isolation would require a completely memory-safe language, with no escape hatch into untyped code. That’s challenging not just in entirely unsafe languages like C and C++ but also in languages that provide restricted unsafe operations, like Java when including JNI, or like Go, Rust, and Swift when including their “unsafe” features. Even in a memory-safe language like JavaScript, code often has access to far more than it needs. In November 2018, the latest version of the NPM package event-stream, which provided a functional streaming API for JavaScript events, was discovered to contain obfuscated malicious code that had been added two and a half months earlier. The code, which harvested large Bitcoin wallets from users of the Copay mobile app, was accessing system resources entirely unrelated to processing event streams.18 One of many possible defenses to this kind of problem would be to better restrict what dependencies can access.
         Creeping dependencies can also affect the size of your project. During the development of Google’s Sawzall23—a JIT’ed logs processing language—the authors discovered at various times that the main interpreter binary contained not just Sawzall’s JIT but also (unused) PostScript, Python, and JavaScript interpreters. Each time, the culprit turned out to be unused dependencies declared by some library Sawzall did depend on, combined with the fact that Google’s build system eliminated any manual effort needed to start using a new dependency.. This kind of error is the reason that the Go language makes importing an unused package a compile-time error.
  • json . . . . 3 matches
         JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.
         javascript에서 기본적으로 인식되고 java나 basic, c, python 등 [http://www.json.org/json-ko.html 다양한 언어]에서 지원 라이브러리가 존재한다.
  • dojo . . . . 2 matches
         Dojo 는 JavaScript와 Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML) 커뮤니티를 표준 JavaScript 라이브러리를 구현하여 일관된 방향으로 통합하기 위해 설계된 커뮤니티 프로젝트이다. 이 커뮤니티는 함께 일하는 사람들 없이는 성공할 수 없다는 것을 깨달았기 때문에 세 개의 이전 툴킷들을 통합하여 Dojo Foundation을 만들었다. 여기에서 코드를 소유 및 관리한다. Dojo는 Ajax 에디션, I/O 에디션 "Kitchen Sink"에디션 같은 여러 옵션 패키지들을 갖고 있다. 여기에는 전체 툴 세트가 포함된다.
  • html5_book_원철연 . . . . 2 matches
         = 3장 JavaScript http://fromyou.tistory.com/524 =
         1. JavaScript의 데이터 타입, 변수, 1.1 데이터 타입(Data Type) http://fromyou.tistory.com/525
  • BeanShell . . . . 1 match
         BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable [Java] source interpreter with object scripting language features, written in [Java]. BeanShell dynamically executes standard Java syntax and extends it with common scripting conveniences such as loose types, commands, and method closures like those in [Perl] and JavaScript.
  • Html5Basic . . . . 1 match
         HTML5 = HTML + CSS + JavaScript
  • Language . . . . 1 match
         [Java], JavaScript, [php]
  • TamarinProject . . . . 1 match
         The goal of the "Tamarin" project is to implement a high-performance, open source implementation of the [ECMAScript] 4th edition (ES4) language specification. The Tamarin virtual machine will be used by Mozilla within SpiderMonkey, the core JavaScript engine embedded in [Firefox]®, and other products based on Mozilla technology. The code will continue to be used by Adobe as part of the ActionScript™ Virtual Machine within Adobe® Flash® Player.
  • ajax . . . . 1 match
          *Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
  • eclipse . . . . 1 match
          * 특정 js 파일 validation 오류 무시하기 : Project Properties > JavaScript > Include Path > Source 에 가서 제외 Excluded에 해당 파일 추가
  • jEdit . . . . 1 match
         com.skrul.jedit.javascript.builtins=domwindow iedomwindow mozdomwindow
  • xsl적용하기.js . . . . 1 match
         [xml]에 [xsl]적용하는 JavaScript
  • 추천Ajax위젯 . . . . 1 match
         carousel : jQuery JavaScript 기반
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