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  • OurSoftwareDependencyProblem . . . . 2 matches
         Keep an open mind to development practices you may not be familiar with. For example, the SQLite library ships as a single 200,000-line C source file and a single 11,000-line header, the “amalgamation.” The sheer size of these files should raise an initial red flag, but closer investigation would turn up the actual development source code, a traditional file tree with over a hundred C source files, tests, and support scripts. It turns out that the single-file distribution is built automatically from the original sources and is easier for end users, especially those without dependency managers. (The compiled code also runs faster, because the compiler can see more optimization opportunities.)
         Does the code have tests? Can you run them? Do they pass? Tests establish that the code’s basic functionality is correct, and they signal that the developer is serious about keeping it correct. For example, the SQLite development tree has an incredibly thorough test suite with over 30,000 individual test cases as well as developer documentation explaining the testing strategy.9 On the other hand, if there are few tests or no tests, or if the tests fail, that’s a serious red flag: future changes to the package are likely to introduce regressions that could easily have been caught. If you insist on tests in code you write yourself (you do, right?), you should insist on tests in code you outsource to others.
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