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  • AwsGlacier . . . . 13 matches
         #keywords aws, clacier
         $ aws glacier initiate-job --account-id - --vault-name photos --job-parameters '{"Type": "inventory-retrieval"}' --region ap-northeast-1
         $ aws glacier list-jobs --account-id - --vault-name photos --region ap-northeast-1
          "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:ap-northeast-1:8888:vaults/photos",
         $ aws glacier describe-job --region ap-northeast-1 --account-id - --vault-name photos --job-id "d-DvEvVqAJmrvcqlgx5UbyFlo6RV6LQiCHQH-g91PRIpHy2DCUQc7OtsyvfuU3lpl6SMqkwx4cRIl91KQL2WWzNL79GH"
          "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:ap-northeast-1:8888:vaults/photos",
         $ aws glacier describe-job --account-id - --vault-name photos --job-id nadKuO4U3YzkqONz-elqIHJfuqdcNiUJG0pdHPFCgbFGGJGJ0Y4C4UOt_DIzoziJHSF627OHluLjY7n_gEZqRXcy_aLB
          "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:ap-northeast-1:8888:vaults/photos",
          "SNSTopic": "arn:aws:sns:ap-northeast-1:8888:gims_topic_1",
         aws glacier get-job-output --account-id - --vault-name photos --job-id nadKuO4U3YzkqONz-elqIHJfuqdcNiUJG0pdHPFCgbFGGJGJ0Y4C4UOt_DIzoziJHSF627OHluLjY7n_gEZqRXcy_aLB out.json
         aws glacier delete-archive --account-id - --vault-name photos --archive-id IubxeMR4pYpP6I7KfLejxEpYLKXK8RDnCQgyezviFE7d0anX01aiLybs9ZJyNxBDiS7lBoT0Hlbh0NZhkieehivfee8PUSV9UzD197sTQVFhpB6TWMqaHILLKZ7msJR4qmRFKxHQoA
         $ aws glacier describe-vault --account-id - --vault-name photos
          "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:ap-northeast-1:8888:vaults/photos",
  • aws . . . . 4 matches
         #keywords aws, ec2
         Terraform and AWS 101: https://terraform101.inflearn.devopsart.dev/
         see also : [aws glacier] [aws s3]
         aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=my-prod-instance" |grep IpAddress |grep -v '\[' |sed 's/[^0-9.]//g' |sort -u
  • OsxKeychain . . . . 3 matches
         security find-generic-password -s awscn.ldap.user ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db"
         security find-generic-password -sawscn.ldap.user -g"
         security find-generic-password -sawscn.ldap.user -aokok -w"
  • OurSoftwareDependencyProblem . . . . 3 matches
         A package, for this discussion, is code you download from the internet. Adding a package as a dependency outsources the work of developing that code—designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining—to someone else on the internet, someone you often don’t know. By using that code, you are exposing your own program to all the failures and flaws in the dependency. Your program’s execution now literally depends on code downloaded from this stranger on the internet. Presented this way, it sounds incredibly unsafe. Why would anyone do this?
         Does the code have dependencies of its own? Flaws in indirect dependencies are just as bad for your program as flaws in direct dependencies. Dependency managers can list all the transitive dependencies of a given package, and each of them should ideally be inspected as described in this section. A package with many dependencies incurs additional inspection work, because those same dependencies incur additional risk that needs to be evaluated.
  • AwsS3 . . . . 2 matches
         #keywords s3, aws
         aws s3 sync s3://... .
  • ExpectScript/mycliViaSshTunneling . . . . 1 match
         expect "bok@aws-gw"
  • ScreenReader . . . . 1 match
          * [Jaws]
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